GDPR - What is it all about?
GDPR came into play on the 25th May 2018 and it affects everyone, including BOSA, as it applies to the processing of personal data carried out by organisations operating within the EU. It also applies to organisations outside of the EU who process EU members data. It does not apply to certain activities including the processing covered by the Law Enforcement Directive, processing for National Security purposes and processing carried out by individuals purely for personal/household activities.
What is Personal Data?
Personal data only includes information relating to an individual who can be identified or are identifiable directly from the information in question OR who can be indirectly identified from that information in combination with other information.
Identifiers and Related Factors
This is the way in which you are distinguished from another individual. A name is the most common means of identifying someone, however whether this can be used to identify someone depends on the context. A combination of identifier may be needed to identify someone such as name, location, identification number or an online identifier such as IP address' etc all count.
GDPR sets out seven key principles to help businesses understand whether or not they can process an individuals data. These are;
Lawfulness, fairness and transparency
Purpose limitation
Data minimisation
Storage limitation
Integrity and confidentiality
It also gives individuals more rights over the type of data that organisations hold on them. They have the right;
to be informed
of access
to rectification
to erasure
to restrict processing
to data portability
to object
in relation to automated decision making and profiling
The regulation holds businesses accountable for wrongfully processing an individuals data and we here at BOSA take this very seriously. Both out privacy polices and cookie policies can be seen on the website and if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.